Eat, Drink, and Be Berry by @drinksbyimpeccablegentleman

Eat, Drink, and Be Berry by @drinksbyimpeccablegentleman

Eat, Drink, and Be Berry by @drinksbyimpeccablegentleman

Make your next meal more special with this easy-to-make mocktail loaded with berries and electrolytes. Having an enticing and delicious refreshment alongside your favorite meal increases appetite and satisfaction.

Mocktails are a great way to get more of the things you need in your diet. They're also a great way to get creative with flavors and fruity colors. Berries are rich in flavonoids, anthocyanidins, and anthocyanins, which help reduce depression and stress.

Let's eat, drink and be berry!

Eat, Drink, and Be Berry by @drinksbyimpeccablegentleman



  1. Pour a packet of Root'd multivitamin and hydration powder into a glass of soda water
  2. Add 1 oz of brandied cherry syrup
  3. Garnish with blueberries and lime
  4. Give a nice stir.
  5. Serve and enjoy!

Got a favorite way to mix your Root’d? Share your pictures and ingredients with the community @roothealth! We’d love to hear from you! 

Cheers to your health, 

The Root’d Team


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