Every Ingredient Matters

Root'd Prenatal is crafted with natural, well-researched ingredients to help nourish both you and your growing baby, ensuring each of you get the most out of your shared nutrition.*

Explore our COMPLETE third-party test results and dive into EVERY vitamin, mineral, and ingredient we use—what it does, how much you need, where else you can find it, and why we choose only the best (because you and your little one deserve nothing less!).

Testing Results For Root'd Prenatal MULTI

Our mission at Root'd is to craft health-driven, sugar-free, sustainable supplements. That mission includes transparency because you should trust what you're putting into your body. Every ingredient and finished product we make and use is 3rd party tested by ISO certified labs across the United States, ensuring the potency, purity, and integrity of all the Root'd MULTI’s you trust.

Test Results Certified by 3rd Party Lab

This product has passed strict quality, safety, and regulatory standards.

Rigorously tested to ensure product purity and compliance

Purity Check Passed
Microbiological Check Passed
Heavy Metals Check Passed
Potency Check Passed

View Full Analysis



A series of tests guarantees each Root’d packet you enjoy will meet our appearance, smell, taste, and solubility standards.

Identity Specification Method Result
Appearance Light red violet to maroon powder QLM 0017 Complies
Smell Lemon-berry with slight mineral smell QLM 0018 Complies
Taste Lemon-Berry with slight mineral taste QLM 0030 Complies
Solubility Easily dispersible in water. Effervescence observed. Visual Complies


Assuring safety from E. coli, salmonella, gluten, yeast, mold, and coliforms.

Microbial Specification Method Result
Coliforms NMT 10 cfu/g AOAC OMA 991.14 Pass
E. coli absent in 10 g USP <62> Pass
Yeast NMT 100 cfu/g AOAC OMA 2014.05 Pass
Mold NMT 100 cfu/g AOAC OMA 2014.05 Pass
Salmonella absent in 10 g AOAC OMA 2011.03 Pass
Gluten NMT 5 ppm ELISA (AOAC RI 061201) Pass

Heavy Metals

Testing for arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury.

Heavy Metal Test Results
Heavy Metals Specification Method Result
Arsenic NMT 10.0 µg/day ICP-MS Pass
Cadmium NMT 4.1 µg/day ICP-MS Pass
Lead NMT 0.5 µg/day ICP-MS Pass
Mercury NMT 0.3 µg/day ICP-MS Pass


Ensuring the potency of the vitamins and minerals we use in each lot.

Welcome To Our Interactive Supplement Facts Guide for Root'd Prenatal MULTI

Scroll & click on any image below to learn more...

Root'd Vitamin A Icon Vitamin A

Amount Per Serving 1,300 mcg
%DV** 100%

Vitamin A

3 Top Food Sources (approx. serving => mcg):
Carrots (7.8 oz => ~1,300 mcg), Tuna (6.2 oz => ~1,300 mcg), Sweet Potato (4.3 oz => ~1,300 mcg) [3]

Deficiency Symptoms:
Rare* – Dry skin/eyes*, night blindness*, more prone to infections (especially throat/chest)* [2,4]

Common Supplement Forms (& Cost):
1. Retinyl acetate – Synthetic $
2. Retinyl palmitate (preformed) $$
3. Beta-carotene (provitamin A) $$ [2]

Root'd White Logo Sources both retinyl palmitate & beta-carotene to help maximize effectiveness*

Key Functions of Vitamin A:
Vision*, immune support*, organ health* [2]

Root'd Vitamin C Icon Vitamin C

Amount Per Serving 120 mg
%DV** 100%

Vitamin C

3 Top Food Sources (approx. serving => mg):
Orange (1 medium => ~70 mg), Broccoli (1 cup => ~80 mg), Strawberries (1 cup => ~85 mg) [6]

Deficiency Symptoms:
Rare* – weakness*, muscle/joint pain*, easy bruising*, scurvy* [7]

Common Supplement Forms (& Cost):
1. Ascorbic acid $
2. Sodium ascorbate $
3. Calcium ascorbate $ [5]

Root'd White Logo Sources ascorbic acid; research hasn’t shown one form to be significantly better* [5]

Key Functions of Vitamin C:
Antioxidant*, immune support*, helps heal wounds* [5]

Root'd Vitamin D Icon Vitamin D

Amount Per Serving 35 mcg
%DV** 233%

Vitamin D

3 Top Food Sources (approx. serving => IU/mcg):
Mushrooms (1 cup => ~550 IU => ~14 mcg), Salmon (3 oz => ~570 IU => ~14 mcg), Fortified milk (1 cup => ~3 mcg) [5]

Deficiency Symptoms:
Numerous – weakened immune system*, fatigue*, bone or joint pain*, bone loss (osteoporosis)*, muscle pain*, depression*

Common Supplement Forms (& Cost):
1. Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) – plant $$
2. Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) – sheep's wool $$

Root'd White Logo Sources cholecalciferol as evidence shows better absorption* [5] DIVE DEEPER

Key Functions of Vitamin D:
Bone health*, immune health*, aids in carrying messages between brain and body parts*

Root'd Vitamin E Icon Vitamin E

Amount Per Serving 19 mg
%DV** 100%

Vitamin E

3 Top Food Sources (approx. serving => mg):
Sunflower seeds (1 oz => ~7 mg), almonds (1 oz => ~7 mg), spinach (1 cup => ~4 mg) [9]

Deficiency Symptoms:
Rare* – vision impairment, nerve damage (hands/feet), decreased immune function* [9]

Common Supplement Forms (& Cost):
1. dl-alpha-tocopherol acetate – synthetic $
2. d-alpha-tocopherol succinate – natural $$ [8]

Root'd White Logo Sources d-alpha-tocopherol succinate, a natural, more potent form of vitamin E* [8]

Key Functions of Vitamin E:
Natural antioxidant*, skin cell health* [8]

Root'd Vitamin B1 Icon Vitamin B1

Amount Per Serving 1.4 mg
%DV** 100%

Vitamin B1

3 Top Food Sources (approx. serving => mg):
Whole grains (1 cup => ~0.5 mg), pork (3 oz => ~0.8 mg), legumes (1 cup => ~0.5 mg) [11]

Deficiency Symptoms:
Rare* – weight loss*, confusion/memory loss*, muscle weakness*, lowered immunity* [11]

Common Supplement Forms (& Cost):
1. Benfotiamine – synthetic $
2. Thiamin – natural $$ [8]

Root'd White Logo Sources thiamin, a well-studied natural source derived from food* [10]

Key Functions of Vitamin B1:
Enables carbohydrates to convert to energy*, also aids nerve, muscle, & heart function* [12]

Root'd Vitamin B2 Icon Vitamin B2

Amount Per Serving 1.6 mg
%DV** 100%

Vitamin B2

3 Top Food Sources (approx. serving => mg):
Beef liver (3 oz => ~2 mg), oatmeal (1 cup => ~0.1 mg), fortified foods (1 cup => ~1 mg) [13]

Deficiency Symptoms:
Mouth ulcers*, cracked lips*, dry skin*, anemia*, sore throat* [14]

Common Supplement Forms (& Cost):
1. Riboflavin – natural $
2. Riboflavin 5'-phosphate – natural $$$ [14]

Root'd White Logo Sources riboflavin, a well-studied natural source from foods* [14]

Key Functions of Vitamin B2:
Helps break down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats*. Vital for energy. Excess B2 can cause “yellow pee,” harmless* [14]

Root'd Vitamin B3 (Niacin) Icon Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

Amount Per Serving 18 mg
%DV** 100%

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

3 Top Food Sources (approx. serving => mg):
Beef liver (3 oz => ~14 mg), poultry (3 oz => ~8 mg), brown rice (1 cup => ~10 mg) [16]

Deficiency Symptoms:
Memory loss & confusion*, fatigue*, depression*, skin problems* [15,16]

Common Supplement Forms (& Cost):
1. Nicotinic acid – synthetic $
2. Nicotinamide – natural $$ [15,16]

Root'd White Logo Sources nicotinamide, as nicotinic acid can cause skin flushing or “niacin flashes”* [16,17]

Key Functions of Vitamin B3 (Niacin):
Helps turn food into energy, aids the digestive system*, helps keep skin healthy* [15]

Root'd Vitamin B5 Avocado Icon Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)

Amount Per Serving 7 mg
%DV** 100%

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)

3 Top Food Sources (approx. serving => mg):
Beef liver (3 oz => ~5 mg), shiitake mushrooms (1 cup => ~3 mg), avocados (1 medium => ~2 mg) [19]

Deficiency Symptoms:
Burning/numbness in hands/feet*, fatigue*, headache* [19]

Common Supplement Forms (& Cost):
1. Pantothenol $
2. Calcium pantothenate $ [18,19]

Root'd White Logo Sources calcium pantothenate, a well-studied safe form. Little research notes big absorbability differences* [18]

Key Functions of Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid):
Helps turn food into energy, necessary for making blood cells*, helps aid metabolism* [18]

Root'd Vitamin B6 Chickpea Icon Vitamin B6

Amount Per Serving 2 mg
%DV** 100%

Vitamin B6

3 Top Food Sources (approx. serving => mg):
Beef liver (3 oz => ~0.9 mg), yellowfin tuna (3 oz => ~0.9 mg), chickpeas (1 cup => ~1.1 mg) [20]

Deficiency Symptoms:
Skin conditions*, depression*, impaired immunity* [20]

Common Supplement Forms (& Cost):
1. Pyridoxine hydrochloride (HCI) $
2. Pyridoxine-5-phosphate $$ [20,21]

Root'd White Logo Sources a combination of these forms, as each is well researched, and using both may increase absorption* [21]

Key Functions of Vitamin B6:
Brain performance*, helps with nausea during pregnancy* [20]

Root'd Vitamin B7 Egg Icon Vitamin B7 (Biotin)

Amount Per Serving 35 mcg
%DV** 100%

Vitamin B7 (Biotin)

3 Top Food Sources (approx. serving => mcg):
Beef liver (3 oz => ~30 mcg), eggs (1 whole => ~10 mcg), sweet potato (1 cup => ~8 mcg) [23]

Deficiency Symptoms:
Hair loss*, rash formation*, depression* [22]

Common Supplement Forms (& Cost):
1. Biotin - $ [23]

Root'd White Logo Sources biotin, with extremely high absorption rates nearing 100% [23]

Key Functions of Vitamin B7 (Biotin):
Important for hair, skin, & nails*, helps the body convert food to energy* [22,23]

Root'd Vitamin B9 (Folate) Kale Icon Vitamin B9 (Folate)

Amount Per Serving 600 mcg DFE
%DV** 100%

Vitamin B9 (Folate)

3 Top Food Sources (approx. serving => mcg):
Kale (1 cup => ~55 mcg), Brussels sprouts (1 cup => ~94 mcg), beef (3 oz => ~7 mcg) [47]

Deficiency Symptoms:
Weakness*, fatigue*, headache*, trouble concentrating*, and in pregnant women, neural tube defects* [47]

Common Supplement Forms (& Cost):
1. Folic acid - $
2. Methylfolate (5-MTHF) - $$$$ [45]

Root'd White Logo Sources 100% methylfolate, more active and ensures absorbency, as many can’t absorb folic acid* [47,48]

Key Functions of Vitamin B9 (Folate):
Needed to make DNA, helps cells divide. During pregnancy, helps develop the neural tube [47]

Root'd Vitamin B12 Mushroom Icon Vitamin B12

Amount Per Serving 15 mcg
%DV** 536%

Vitamin B12

3 Top Food Sources (approx. serving => mcg):
Mushrooms (1 cup => ~2.5 mcg), nutritional yeast (1 tbsp => ~2.5 mcg), clams (3 oz => ~84 mcg) [24]

Deficiency Symptoms:
Nervous system issues*, anxiety*, depression*, vision loss* [24]

Common Supplement Forms (& Cost):
1. Cyanocobalamin - $
2. Hydroxycobalamin - $
3. Methylcobalamin - $$$$ [25]

Root'd White Logo Sources methylcobalamin, the natural form used by the body, often better absorbed/retained* [25] DIVE DEEPER

Key Functions of Vitamin B12:
Helps the body make DNA*, aids nerve and blood cell health* [25]

Root'd Calcium Icon Calcium

Amount Per Serving 78 mg
%DV** 6%


3 Top Food Sources (approx. serving => mg):
Dairy foods (1 cup milk => ~300 mg), fortified foods (1 cup => ~300 mg), legumes (1 cup => ~80-100 mg) [26]

Deficiency Symptoms:
Short-term signs may be hidden (body draws from bones). Long-term => low bone mass* or osteoporosis* [27]

Common Supplement Forms (& Cost):
1. Calcium carbonate - $
2. Calcium citrate - $$
3. Calcium lactate - $$ [25]

Root'd White Logo Sources calcium lactate, as it (and citrate) shows higher absorption and dissolves well in liquids [27]

Key Functions of Calcium:
Bone health*, allows muscles to contract* [26]

Root'd Best Sources of Iron Spinach Icon Iron

Amount Per Serving 9 mg
%DV** 33%


3 Top Food Sources (approx. serving => mg):
Spinach (1 cup cooked => ~6 mg), lean meats (3 oz => ~2.5 mg), kidney beans (1 cup => ~5 mg) [28]

Deficiency Symptoms:
Short-term signs aren’t obvious (body borrows from muscles/organs). Long-term => anemia*, lack of energy* [28]

Common Supplement Forms (& Cost):
1. Ferrous fumarate - $
2. Carbonyl iron - $
3. Ferrous bisglycinate chelate - $$ [28]

Root'd White Logo Sources ferrous bisglycinate chelate, the gentlest form of iron. Others can cause GI upset, especially in pregnancy* [28]

Key Functions of Iron:
Helps make hemoglobin (in red blood cells)*, helps make certain hormones* [28]

*BE AWARE – Accidental overdose of iron-containing products is a leading cause of fatal poisoning in children under 6.
*BE AWARE – Adult men should not supplement with iron unless directed by a doctor, as men do not menstruate.* Root'd White Logo Men’s formulas do not contain iron for this reason.

Root'd Iodine Kelp Icon Iodine

Amount Per Serving 290 mcg
%DV** 100%


3 Top Food Sources (approx. serving => mcg):
Seaweed (1 sheet => ~50 mcg), iodized salt (1/4 tsp => ~71 mcg), tuna (3 oz => ~14 mcg) [29]

Deficiency Symptoms:
Thyroid malfunction*. In pregnancy, can harm the fetus => stunted growth, intellectual disability, or delayed sexual development* [29]

Common Supplement Forms (& Cost):
1. Sodium iodide - $
2. Kelp - $
3. Potassium iodide - $ [23]

Root'd White Logo Sources potassium iodide, as it mixes well in liquids, minimal seafood flavor. Absorbability differences not well proven [29]

Key Functions of Iodine:
Helps the body make thyroid hormones*, helps control metabolism* [29]

Root'd Magnesium Icon Magnesium

Amount Per Serving 50 mg
%DV** 13%


3 Top Food Sources (approx. serving => mg):
Quinoa (1 cup => ~118 mg), nuts/seeds (1 oz => ~80 mg), dark chocolate (1 oz => ~64 mg) [30,31]

Deficiency Symptoms:
Estimated 80% of Americans are deficient. fatigue, stiff/cramped muscles, high blood pressure, numbness* [30,31]

Common Supplement Forms (& Cost):
1. Magnesium oxide - $
2. Magnesium citrate - $$
3. Magnesium glycinate - $$ [30]

Root'd White Logo Sources magnesium citrate, as it mixes well and has high absorption. Too much => laxative effect* [30,31]

Key Functions of Magnesium:
Regulates muscle/nerve function*, blood sugar levels*, blood pressure*, and stress* [30]

Root'd Zinc Oyster Icon Zinc

Amount Per Serving 2.5 mg
%DV** 19%


3 Top Food Sources (approx. serving => mg):
Oysters (3 oz => ~74 mg), pumpkin seeds (1 oz => ~2 mg), beef (3 oz => ~5 mg) [32,33]

Deficiency Symptoms:
Lowered immune function, diarrhea, impaired wound healing* [32,33]

Common Supplement Forms (& Cost):
1. Zinc oxide - $
2. Zinc acetate - $
3. Zinc citrate - $$ [32]

Root'd White Logo Sources zinc citrate, as it mixes well in liquids, high absorption. Too much => nausea* [32,33]

Key Functions of Zinc:
Helps immune system fight bacteria/viruses*, helps the body make proteins & DNA* [32]

Root'd Selenium Brazil Nuts Icon Selenium

Amount Per Serving 70 mcg
%DV** 100%


3 Top Food Sources (approx. serving => mcg):
Seafood (3 oz => ~40-50 mcg), beef liver (3 oz => ~28 mcg), Brazil nuts (1 nut => ~68-90 mcg) [46]

Deficiency Symptoms:
Thyroid problems, iodine deficiency, infertility, immune issues, frequent illness* [45,46]

Common Supplement Forms (& Cost):
1. Selenomethionine - $
2. Sodium selenate - $
3. Selenium glycinate - $ [45]

Root'd White Logo Sources selenium glycinate, among the most bioavailable well-researched forms [45] DIVE DEEPER

Key Functions of Selenium:
Needed to keep the body healthy*. Important for reproduction, DNA production, thyroid function, and immune health by protecting from free radicals

Root'd Manganese Pineapple Icon Manganese

Amount Per Serving 0.5 mg
%DV** 19%


3 Top Food Sources (approx. serving => mg):
Pineapple (1 cup => ~1.5 mg), oysters (3 oz => ~1 mg), whole grains (1 cup => ~2 mg) [34]

Deficiency Symptoms:
Lowered immune function, skin rashes, hair color loss (in men), increased PMS pain/mood changes (in women)* [34]

Common Supplement Forms (& Cost):
1. Manganese sulfate - $
2. Manganese aspartate - $
3. Manganese citrate - $$ [34]

Root'd White Logo Sources manganese citrate, as it mixes well in liquids and has high absorption* [34]

Key Functions of Manganese:
Helps produce energy and protect cells from damage, crucial for immune response* [34,35]

Root'd Copper Potato Icon Copper

Amount Per Serving 0.3 mg
%DV** 23%


3 Top Food Sources (approx. serving => mg):
Oysters (3 oz => ~4.8 mg), potatoes (1 large => ~0.3 mg), organ meats (3 oz => ~12 mg) [37]

Deficiency Symptoms:
Anemia, connective tissue disorders, bone defects, increased infection risk* [37]

Common Supplement Forms (& Cost):
1. Cupric oxide - $
2. Copper gluconate - $
3. Copper amino acid chelates - $ [37]

Root'd White Logo Sources copper amino acid chelates, well-studied, with minimal absorption differences among forms* [37]

Key Functions of Copper:
Helps form red blood cells*, supports bones, blood vessels, nerves, immune function, and aids iron absorption* [36]

Root'd Chromium Coffee Icon Chromium

Amount Per Serving 45 mcg
%DV** 100%


3 Top Food Sources (approx. serving => mcg):
Coffee (1 cup => ~1-2 mcg), green beans (1 cup => ~2 mcg), whole grains (1 slice => ~1 mcg) [38]

Deficiency Symptoms:
Rare – reduced sugar response, increased diabetes risk, weight loss, impaired coordination* [39,40]

Common Supplement Forms (& Cost):
1. Chromium chloride - $
2. Chromium nicotinate glycinate chelate - $$
3. Chromium picolinate - $ [39]

Root'd White Logo Sources chromium nicotinate glycinate chelate, a well-studied natural form. Chromium chloride has poor bioavailability* [38,39] DIVE DEEPER

Key Functions of Chromium:
An essential trace mineral that may improve insulin sensitivity and enhance carb/protein metabolism* [38]

Root'd Molybdenum Legumes Icon Molybdenum

Amount Per Serving 50 mcg
%DV** 100%


3 Top Food Sources (approx. serving => mcg):
Legumes (1 cup => ~130 mcg), Whole grains (1 cup => ~50 mcg), Green beans (1 cup => ~10 mcg) [41]

Deficiency Symptoms:
Rare – typically only in specific genetic conditions, but can involve low blood uric acid [42]

Common Supplement Forms (& Cost):
1. Molybdenum chloride - $
2. Molybdenum glycinate - $
3. Molybdenum amino acid chelate - $ [41]

Root'd White Logo Sources molybdenum amino acid chelate, well-studied form, though little data on absorption differences [41]

Key Functions of Molybdenum:
A trace mineral that helps break down harmful sulfites, preventing toxin buildup* [41]

Root'd Potassium Banana Icon Potassium

Amount Per Serving 138 mg
%DV** 2%


3 Top Food Sources (approx. serving => mg):
Bananas (1 medium => ~422 mg), apricots (1 cup => ~427 mg), acorn squash (1 cup => ~900 mg) [43]

Deficiency Symptoms:
Increased blood pressure, cramps, depleted calcium in bones, increased kidney stone risk* [43]

Common Supplement Forms (& Cost):
1. Potassium citrate - $
2. Potassium phosphate - $
3. Potassium bicarbonate - $ [43]

Root'd White Logo Sources potassium bicarbonate, adding fizz. Minimal evidence of bioavailability differences [43]

Key Functions of Potassium:
An electrolyte for nearly all bodily functions—heart & kidney function, muscle contraction, nerve transmission* [43]

Root'd Best Sources of Sodium Icon Sodium

Amount Per Serving 271 mg
%DV 13%


3 Top Food Sources (approx. serving => mg):
Table Salt (1 tsp => ~2,325 mg), Canned Soup (1 cup => ~700 mg), Cottage Cheese (1/2 cup => ~400 mg) [general reference]

Deficiency Symptoms:
Rare in typical diets. Potential issues with low sodium include fatigue, headache, confusion (hyponatremia)*

Common Supplement Forms (& Cost):
1. Sodium Chloride - $
2. Sodium Bicarbonate - $$
3. Sodium Citrate - $

Root'd White Logo Sources sodium bicarbonate, a natural and effective form, which also adds gentle effervescence.

Key Functions of Sodium:
Helps regulate fluid balance*, supports nerve transmission*, and aids in muscle contraction*

Root'd Best Sources of Choline Cauliflower Icon Choline

Amount Per Serving 45 mg
%DV 8%


3 Top Food Sources (approx. serving => mg):
Beef liver (3 oz => ~356 mg), Salmon (3 oz => ~75 mg), Cauliflower (1 cup => ~40 mg) [44]

Deficiency Symptoms:
Reduced cognitive function*, muscle and liver damage* [44]

Common Supplement Forms (& Cost):
1. Phosphatidylcholine - $
2. Lecithin - $
3. Choline Bitartrate - $ [44]

Root'd White Logo Sources choline bitartrate, though little evidence suggests major absorbability differences among forms [44]

Key Functions of Choline:
Used by your brain and nervous system to help regulate mood, memory, and muscle control. Also helps protect cells by forming membranes* [44]

Root'd Lutein Marigold Icon Lutein

Amount Per Serving 700 mcg


3 Top Food Sources (approx. serving => mg):
Kale (1 cup cooked => ~11 mg), Spinach (1 cup cooked => ~8 mg), Egg Yolk (1 large => ~0.2 mg) [general references]

Deficiency Symptoms:
No well-defined deficiency for lutein alone, but inadequate intake may affect eye health*

Common Supplement Forms (& Cost):
1. Lutein from marigold - $$$$
2. Lutein from algae - $$
3. Synthetic lutein - $

Root'd White Logo Sources marigold extract for high-purity lutein supplementation.

Key Functions of Lutein:
Helps support eye health*, may function as an antioxidant in the retina*

%DV** for pregnant or lactating women

This interactive supplement guide provides information that should not take the place of medical advice. We encourage you to talk to your healthcare providers (doctor, registered dietitian, pharmacist, etc.) about your interest in, questions about, or use of dietary supplements and what may be best for your overall health. Any mention in this publication of a specific product or service, or recommendation from an organization or professional society, does not represent an endorsement by Root’d as expert advice.

  1. https://www.fda.gov/media/99069/download
  2. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminA-Consumer/
  3. https://www.myfooddata.com/articles/food-sources-of-vitamin-A.php
  4. https://www.aao.org/eye-health/diseases/vitamin-deficiency-symptoms
  5. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminC-Consumer/
  6. https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/002404.htm
  7. https://patient.info/healthy-living/vitamin-c-deficiency-leaflet
  8. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminE-Consumer/
  9. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/219867
  10. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/vitamin-k/
  11. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/vitamin-b1/
  12. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Thiamin-HealthProfessional/
  13. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Riboflavin-HealthProfessional/
  14. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/219561
  15. https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements-niacin/art-20364984
  16. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Niacin-HealthProfessional/
  17. https://www.arkopharma.com/en-GB/vitamins-natural-or-synthetic
  18. https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/002410.htm
  19. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/PantothenicAcid-HealthProfessional/
  20. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/vitamin-b6/
  21. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminB6-HealthProfessional/
  22. https://lpi.oregonstate.edu/mic/vitamins/biotin
  23. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Biotin-HealthProfessional/
  24. https://rootd.com/blogs/vitamins-minerals-101/vitamin-b12
  25. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminB12-Consumer/
  26. https://www.nof.org/patients/treatment/calciumvitamin-d/
  27. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Calcium-Consumer/
  28. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Iron-Consumer/
  29. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/iodine-Consumer/
  30. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Magnesium-Consumer/
  31. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/318595
  32. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/zinc-Consumer/
  33. https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements-zinc/art-20366112
  34. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/manganese-Consumer/
  35. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1074761318301298
  36. https://copperalliance.org.uk/knowledge-base/education/education-resources/copper-essential-human-health/
  37. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Copper-HealthProfessional/
  38. https://www.health.harvard.edu/newsletter_article/chromium-the-forgotten-mineral
  39. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Chromium-HealthProfessional/
  40. https://www.merckmanuals.com/home/disorders-of-nutrition/minerals/chromium
  41. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Molybdenum-Consumer/
  42. https://lpi.oregonstate.edu/mic/minerals/molybdenum
  43. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Potassium-Consumer/
  44. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Choline-Consumer/
  45. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Selenium-Consumer/
  46. https://rootd.com/blogs/vitamins-minerals-101/selenium
  47. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/folate-Consumer/
  48. https://www.quatrefolic.com/the4thGeneration.php
  49. Physician's Desk Reference (page 1542, #49)
  50. PH Bennett, S Haffner, BL Kasiske, WF Keane, CE, National Advisory Board, - Am J Kidney Dis, 1995
Prenatal MULTI - Essential Vitamins & Minerals + Electrolytes for Mom & Baby
Prenatal MULTI - Essential Vitamins & Minerals + Electrolytes for Mom & Baby
Prenatal MULTI - Essential Vitamins & Minerals + Electrolytes for Mom & Baby
How Root'd prenatal multivitamin Compares vs. pill and gummy multivitamins
Prenatal MULTI - Essential Vitamins & Minerals + Electrolytes for Mom & Baby
Prenatal MULTI - Essential Vitamins & Minerals + Electrolytes for Mom & Baby
Prenatal MULTI - Essential Vitamins & Minerals + Electrolytes for Mom & Baby
Root'd Prenatal Powder Multivitamin Sugar Free Taste Profile What does Root'd Taste Like? Is Root'd Good? Does Root'd Prenatal Taste good?
Prenatal MULTI - Essential Vitamins & Minerals + Electrolytes for Mom & Baby
Prenatal MULTI - Essential Vitamins & Minerals + Electrolytes for Mom & Baby
Prenatal MULTI - Essential Vitamins & Minerals + Electrolytes for Mom & Baby

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