Essential Nutrients for Women at Every Age

Essential Nutrients for Women at Every Age

Taking care of yourself does not always come naturally, especially at a young age when the last thing you want after a tough day is to indulge in a nutritious meal. But to have the best days possible, you must supply your body with all the essential nutrients it requires daily. Whether you're a mother who prepares most of your family's meals or a busy woman who loves grabbing something on the go, building nutrients into your diet as part of a balanced eating plan is an essential aspect of a healthy lifestyle. 

Essential Nutrients for Girls (from childhood to teenage years) 

1. Iron

    Iron is one the most essential nutrients for girls especially when they begin to menstruate. * A woman loses trace amounts of iron with each menstrual cycle. During this phase, iron promotes the production of healthy blood cells. *  

    Girls require approximately 8 mg of iron daily until they begin to menstruate. * The recommended dosage increases to 15 mg between 14 and 18. * Iron-rich foods include beef, turkey, chicken, halibut, tuna, beans, lentils, and iron-fortified breakfast cereals. Many multivitamins also provide the daily iron requirement. 

     Iron is beneficial to teenage girls during menstruation

    2. Calcium

    "Getting adequate calcium is vital for all ages, but it's especially important during adolescence and early adulthood when bones are absorbing calcium," explains Heather Schwartz, MS, RD, a medical nutrition therapist at Stanford University Hospital and Clinics. Calcium and vitamin D are frequently found together in fortified foods like milk as the body requires vitamin D to absorb calcium.  

     calcium essential for bone health especially during teenage years

    7 Essential Nutrients for Women (During Reproductive Years) 

    1. Iron

    iron is essential to adult women during reproductive years

    Women between 19 and 50 years old require 18 mg daily. Pregnant women should aim for a daily dose of 27 mg. * "When women are pregnant, the amount of blood nearly doubles, which greatly raises the demand for iron," Schwartz tells WebMD. 

    On the other hand, lactating women require far less iron after delivery, at about 9 mg, because they are no longer menstruating. * However, once women stop breastfeeding, they should return to 18 mg each day. * 

    2. Folic Acid 

      iron is essential to pregnant and lactating women

      This type of B vitamin aids in the prevention of neural tube abnormalities, particularly spina bifida and anencephaly. * These defects can be catastrophic and even fatal. Many foods are now fortified with folic acid.

      Most women get enough folic acid from foods like leafy greens, which are rich in folic acid. However, some doctors advise women to take a prenatal supplement containing folic acid to ensure they get the recommended 400 to 800 micrograms. * 

      Furthermore, physiological changes during pregnancy cause significant changes in the pharmacokinetic properties of several medicines and supplements. These changes may influence substance distribution, absorption, metabolism, excretion, and pharmacodynamic qualities during pregnancy. 

      To ensure better absorption, Root'd Prenatal MULTI included methyl folate, a.k.a 5-MTHF, 5-methyltetrahydrofolate, or L-methyl folate. * It is a biologically active form of folate that does not need to be converted into another form for the body to absorb, unlike folic acid.  

      National Institutes of Health further explained that methyl folate may be more absorbable for more people. *

      3. Calcium

        calcium is essential to maintain bone health in adult women

        Getting enough calcium is still crucial for women in their adulthood. * 

        During pregnancy, your baby requires calcium to develop strong bones and teeth and a healthy heart, nerves, and muscles. * Getting enough calcium also lowers your chances of developing hypertension and preeclampsia. * 

         Adult women in childbearing years should aim for 1,000 to 1,300 mg of calcium daily. * 

        4. Vitamin B12

          Vitamin B12 helps prevent fatigue in adult women

          The body requires vitamin B12 to form red blood cells and prevent anemia. A severe lack of vitamins can lead to nerve damage, fatigue, and weakness in the body, which can be dangerous to a pregnant woman and her growing baby. * Recommendations increase during pregnancy due to increased fetal demand for nutrients. 

          Vegans and vegetarian moms may be deficient in B12 as it is primarily found in animal protein and, to a lesser extent, dairy.  

          Taking a prenatal supplement such as Root'd Prenatal MULTI may provide the essential nutrients to pregnant women to ensure proper nutrition and hydration. * 

          5. Choline

            Choline helps in women's metabolism

            Some studies show that low choline levels make pregnant women prone to neural tube defects. * Getting the recommended levels for this nutrient is attainable. Choline is present in a lot of foods, like eggs or in high end multivitamins, like Root'd. "If you eat a few eggs a week, that should be enough," says Frenchman. "Most people can eat the same cholesterol as an egg every day without worrying about it." Milk, liver, and peanuts are also good sources of choline.

            6. Vitamin D

              Vitamin D boosts women's immune system

              Vitamin D is an essential nutrient, but it's not something that's always in women's diets. * The sun is one of the best ways to get vitamin D, but it's not always possible to get outside and enjoy the sun every day. Not getting enough vitamin D can lead to a deficiency, which can negatively impact your health. * 

              It is known for promoting bone health, strengthening muscles, and powering the immune system. * 

              Vitamin D deficiency has been connected to an increased risk of breast cancer. Some studies linked vitamin D deficiency and heart disease in women. * If you are at risk for any of these conditions, try increasing your intake of vitamin D through diet or supplementation. * 

              7. Omega 3-s

                omega 3 promotes heart health in adult women

                EPA and DHA are essential fatty acids the body can't make on its own. They help build healthy brain and nerve cells, among other things. * 

                Omega-3 fatty acids are a powerhouse of essential nutrients that provide a wide range of health benefits to women. They're found in fatty fish, nuts, and plant oils and help keep your heart healthy by lowering cholesterol. * 

                Omega 3 may protect women from the following conditions: * 

                • inflammation associated with fibromyalgia 
                • rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and other inflammatory conditions 
                • osteoporosis 
                • menstrual cramps 
                • preterm labor 
                • miscarriage 
                • anxiety and depression  

                 Many multivitamins on the market do contain Omega 3’s, however they usually only have trace amounts. Most nutritionists will recommend taking Omega’s separately from your Multivitamin for this reason. * 

                Essential Nutrients for Women (During their Senior Years) 

                What multivitamin supplements should a woman over 50 take?

                Women's bodies undergo new changes during menopause. Because women are no longer menstruating, the need for iron decreases, and other nutrient requirements increase as the body loses its capability to absorb and digest them. The following are the most essential nutrients to think about: 

                1. B12

                  As women become older, their bodies' ability to absorb this essential vitamin reduces. Most older women can get enough B12 from a diet rich in fish, meats, and B12-fortified foods, however, few people may require supplements.  

                  Vitamin B12 comes in two forms: methylcobalamin and cyanocobalamin. Most supplements contain chemically synthesized cyanocobalamin, while Root'd is formulated with methylcobalamin. Her MULTI, specifically contains 40 mcg of methylcobalamin. 

                  Here are some of the benefits of methylcobalamin during senior years:  

                  Quicker absorption 

                  Vitamin B12 helps in older women's digestion and absorption

                  According to Healthline, older people are more prone to conditions limiting stomach acid production, resulting in reduced vitamin B12 absorption from diets. Methylcobalamin, the most bioavailable form of Vitamins B12, is quickly absorbed in the body. Studies have shown that it stays in the body longer and at higher levels than cyanocobalamin. Hence, methylcobalamin nourishes your body with vitamin B12 for a prolonged period. 

                  Improved Eyesight 

                  Vitamin B12 helps to improve eyesight during senior years

                  Because of its involvement in nervous system health, methylcobalamin is also an essential nutrient for eyesight. According to studies, methylcobalamin enhances visual accommodation substantially more than cyanocobalamin.  

                  Visual accommodation refers to the capacity to quickly change your focus from something nearby to something further away; this skill is frequently hampered by activities such as staring at a computer screen for an extended period of time. 

                  Better sleep quality 

                  Vitamin B12 promotes quality sleep during senior years

                  According to Sleep Foundation, changes in hormone production, such as melatonin and cortisol, may also contribute to sleep disruption in older people. As people age, their bodies create less melatonin, which is generally produced in response to darkness and helps promote sleep by coordinating circadian cycles. 

                  Methylcobalamin may be required to produce melatonin though the exact mechanism of action is unknown. Methylcobalamin has been demonstrated in studies to alter melatonin secretion and restore circadian rhythm.

                  As a result, people who take this type of B12 supplement frequently report improved sleep quality, needing less sleep, and feeling a little more refreshed when they wake up in the morning. 

                  2. Calcium

                    calcium helps to avoid bone loss in older women

                    Although some bone loss is unavoidable with age, women can slow the process by taking enough calcium and vitamin D. * 

                    The recommended dosage for women between 50 and 70 is 600 IU (15 mcg) of vitamin D and 1200 mg of calcium each day. * 

                    Women over 70 should consume 1200 mg of calcium and 800 IU (20 mcg) of vitamin D daily. * Because the skin's ability to convert sunlight to vitamin D diminishes with age, women in their senior years may need more vitamin D in the form of supplements. * 

                    3. Fluids

                      Hydration fluids, like Root'd MULTI, prevents dehydration in older women

                      Women's fluid requirements rise as they age. This is because the kidneys become less effective in removing toxins. "Drinking more water aids renal function," adds Schwartz. "Unfortunately, thirst signals frequently deteriorate with age, making people less inclined to drink adequate water and other fluids." Instead of worrying about how many glasses to drink, Frenchman recommends checking the color of your urine. "It should be transparent or very light in color." You'll need extra fluid as it gets darker." 

                      Caloric requirements decrease with age, especially after menopause. Schwartz also explained that women naturally lose muscle mass as they age. Therefore, regular physical activity can aid in muscle maintenance. 


                      Root'd provide many essential nutrients for women so they can be their best selves!

                      Her MULTI and Prenatal MULTI are made with only the highest quality ingredients and formulated specifically for women’s bodies. 

                      Whether you’re looking to give your skin some extra attention or need some extra energy to get through your day, Root’d is formulated to give you a nourishing and refreshing experience to help you feel your very best—no matter where life takes you! 


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